Presentation Resources

On this page, you will find the Presentation Resources referenced in the Master Teacher Guide. Click on the picture to take you to the file in Google Drive. From there, you can download the file to your computer and edit as needed.

From the Section Entitled "First Things First"

Beginning of the Year TAP Overview PowerPoint: *Be sure you edit the PowerPoint to reflect the names of the Leadership Team in Your School

From the Section Entitled "The First Cluster"

Cluster Rubric

5 Steps for Effective Teaching and Learning Posters:

Cluster PowerPoint Template:

Blank Cluster Meeting Record:

Cluster Norm Examples:

TAP Rubrics:

The First Cluster Meeting Record Example:

The First Cluster Meeting PowerPoint Example:

TAP Rubrics:

From the Section Entitled "The First Domain"

Beginning of TAP Survey online:

Paper Survey:

CBAM Stages of Concern:

*Cluster Activity*

On the back of each index card (see below) write how the teacher in the scenario is feeling and what the rest of their career might look like.

Think about these questions:
  • Would you keep working if you were this teacher? Why or why not?
  • What would make this teacher's experience better?
  • Have you ever felt like this teacher?
  • How do you think this teacher is going to conduct her lessons based on what she is experiencing (how will it effect her students)

*Cluster Activity*

Answer the questions on the handouts below with a shoulder partner

*Cluster Activity*

Download the Handout below and discuss in small groups:

  • All members of the TAP system are evaluated by someone. Even the administration is evaluated. The students GROWTH and the teacher's growth from observations are both used to decide compensation. Evaluation is not a "one and done" instance. It takes into account multiple measures and is completed throughout the school year. 
  • Different career paths of teachers in "normal" schools: What is most important or interesting about the graphic? Notice that the only options for advancement and pay is to obtain an advanced degree (paid for out of pocket), leave education, become an instructional coach, or become an administrator. Notice that one out of five teachers will leave by year three of teaching and three out of five teachers will leave by year five of teaching. WHY? 
*Cluster Activity*

Put the signs on the board spaced out for people to stand beside them. Call out the scenarios and teachers stand beside the person they would turn to in that situation. Look at the Chain of Command in a TAP school handout an discuss the differences. Put up the "new" signs (Master Teacher and Mentor Teacher) and stand next to who you could go to in the same scenarios within a TAP school. 

Domain 1 Wrap-Up Survey:

Survey Online:

Paper Survey:
From the Section Entitled "The Second Domain"

Roles People Play Picture and Quiz

Let's start with a BAD group dynamic:
Click on the picture for a group handout or to display the picture (the "Group Roles Quiz Packet" is also in this download):

Now for the quiz to discover the different personalities in this group:

Follow the directions in the "Group Roles Quiz Packet" (download below)

Discussion questions to ponder:

  • Where is the job “teacher” on the job list?
  • How could “teacher” fit under ALL categories?
  • How can these personalities all work together?
  • Look at “page 7” of your quick packet. Discuss with your group what some difficulties might be when you work together based on personalities, what motivates you, and what your pet peeves might be.

Life Map

Draw either a map or a timeline on a piece of paper by drawing a visual illustration of your life to date. You need to include “road signs’ for ups and downs both personally and professionally on your map.

Discuss each person’s map, how they are alike and different, and how you can each give a different contribution to the group.

“Ticket out the door” - name one professional contribution that you are going to bring to Cluster.

Click on the life map picture below for a handout of examples to use to help build your life map:

Cooperation Squares

What does "cooperation" mean?

  1. Hand each pair of Cluster members a puzzle set (see handout below) telling them that they will need to use the set to make 5 squares.

  1. They need to be told that, although the pieces are labeled in their envelopes, the pieces may have to be jumbled up to make a square (all the “a” pieces will not make one square, but instead will have different letters combined together).

  1. They are to make the squares and glue them down to a piece of construction paper.

Was someone dominating the puzzle? Discuss that dynamic.

Relate the activity to placing student data together to decide what is needed for the students. We have to place several “pieces” of data together to understand the “puzzle” of student needs. Discuss how this is the part that is mostly completed by the Master Teacher, but the Master Teacher needs input from the classroom teacher because they are part of the “puzzle” for deciding what strategy is needed to help student growth. Ask questions such as:

-What would have happened if someone had hidden a puzzle piece? How is this like not sharing a piece of data about a child which could be important?

-What would happen if we made the squares, but didn’t glue them down? How is this like looking at data and not constructing strategies to help with the data trends?

Perception and Transmission of Information

  1. Pass out copies of the young girl/old woman drawing on the Perception and Transmission of Information Handout (see download below)

  1. Have members glance at the drawing briefly, without discussion (about 10 seconds)

  1. Collect the copies back immediately

  1. Ask to share what they saw in the drawing. Emphasize that people perceive things differently. Ask questions such as:
    “Would you talk to this person on the bus?” or “Who in your family does this person remind you of?”

  1. Give copies back to members and continue the discussion asking what each member sees in the drawing.

  1. Go into the discussion of how the brain perceives things – our  brain only processes one image at a time based on what we how and what we focus on first in the picture.

  1. Remember “The Dress”? Refer them to the handout and show them the website explaining the dress:

  1. If time, show different pictures and posters discussing perspective (examples are on the handout) and discuss.

  1. Ask how points of view could be different in our clusters. How does this help us grow professionally? A Master Teacher’s point of view is different from the administrators or career teachers and vice versa. It all depends on what information we are focusing on. Is there a right or wrong piece? No. What’s important is that, to grow professionally, we must transmit our point of view to others and respect everyone. All perspectives must be taken into account to grow. Relate back to those different career cards (refer back to the First Domain). How might their perspectives be different from yours and how would that effect learning and personal professional growth? Growth of the school?

  1. Think about how we transmitted our thoughts to others. Did we get mad when they didn’t see things the way we did? How did we react? How might we need to react in Cluster with each other?

Click the picture for the handouts:

Domain 2 Wrap Up:

Answer the questions on this page:

From the Section Entitled: Domain 3- Instructionally Focused Accountability


Pre and Post Conference Example:

For the video you film with your administrators and Mentor Teachers:


Template for writing a Pre-Conference (for Mentor Teachers)

Subjective Versus Objective:

This handout made by Doyle & Iland (2004)     

Complete the Objective Versus Objective Activity may help with this if needed. 

Remember: This is how you are scored:

Post-Conference Script (for Mentor Teachers):

Domain 3 Wrap-Up

Coaching Table (based on observations):

From the Section Entitled: The Fourth Domain- Performance Based Compensation

TAP Evaluation and Compensation Guide (also found on the website links page):

The handout below was created based on the information in the Compensation Guide

What is the Payout Based Upon?

My Payout

Money Template: (also found on the Website Resources page of the blog)


Link for Calculations in Payout (also found on Website Links page): 

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